Please complete the application form and our recruitment team will be in touch to assist you with your application to become a Universal English contracted Agent.
Main Office Contact Details
Agent Details
List two referees from Educational Institutes that your Agency represents. One referee must be from an Educational Institute in Australia:
Reference 1:
Reference 2:
I am interested in representing Universal Learning Group’s subsidiary colleges and its partners as an education agent and I agree to do so in an honest and professional manner. I agree to:
Regularly monitor policies and changes to the policies as reported on the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) website.
Regularly monitor policies and regulations and changes to these policies and regulations as reported on the website.
I have read the National Code 2018 and agree to adhere to the relevant Standards.
I declare and take all reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interest with my duties as an education agent of Universal Learning Group (ULG)
Examples of conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
When the agent charges services fees to both overseas students and ULG for the same service;
Where an education agent has a financial interest in ULG; or
Where an employee of an education agent has a personal relationship with an employee of ULG.
(Please attach a separate sheet to disclose any conflicts of interests)
I declare that I have read the AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING Agent Code of Ethics attached to this application.